Make HISTORY on the ultimate PARTY WAVE!
Join us as we attempt to break the World Record for most surfers on a single wave, all in the name of giving fatherless teenage boys the mentors they NEED to become GOOD MEN!
In the next several weeks, we are asking YOU to raise at least $250 for Boys to Men Mentoring’s Champions for Youth campaign!
Why $250? Because that is the cost for us to provide an entire Adventure Mountain Weekend for a fatherless teenage boy in San Diego!
So, reach out to ten friends and ask them to sponsor you at $25 each, or call your great uncle in Indiana and tell him to sponsor you for $250 in one fell swoop, or make the tax-deductible donation yourself!
Registration is NOW OPEN!
BRING YOUR SOFT BOARD and join us to catch the ultimate PARTY WAVE for a great cause! You will be in the line-up with 179 other experienced surfers with a goal of breaking the World Record for the most surfers on 1 wave at 1 time!